Winpcap For Mac Os X Download

Npcap is the Nmap Project's packet sniffing (and sending) libraryfor Windows. It is based on thediscontinued WinPcap library,but with improved speed, portability, security, and efficiency. Inparticular, Npcap offers:

  1. Winpcap Download 4.1.2
  2. Winpcap 10 Download
  3. Winpcap Download Free

Ostinato is a network packet and traffic generator and analyzer with a friendly GUI. It aims to be 'Wireshark in Reverse' and thus become complementary to Wireshark. WinPcap is the industry-standard tool for link-layer network access in Windows environments: it allows applications to capture and transmit network packets bypassing the protocol stack, and has additional useful features, including kernel-level packet filtering, a network statistics engine and support for remote packet capture. Snort is a lightweight network intrusion detection system, capable of performing real-time traffic analysis and packet logging on IP networks. It can perform protocol analysis, content searching/matching and can be used to detect a variety of attacks and probes, such as buffer overflows, stealth port scans, CGI attacks, SMB probes, OS fingerprinting attempts, and much more.

  • WinPcap for Windows 10: Npcap works on Windows 7 and later by making use of the new NDIS 6 Light-Weight Filter (LWF) API. It's faster than the deprecated NDIS 5 API, which Microsoft could remove at any time. Also, the driver is signed with our EV certificate and countersigned by Microsoft, so it works even with the stricter driver signing requirements in Windows 10 1607.
  • Extra Security: Npcap can (optionally) be restricted so that only Administrators can sniff packets. If a non-Admin user tries to utilize Npcap through software such as Nmap or Wireshark, the user will have to pass a User Account Control (UAC) dialog to utilize the driver. This is conceptually similar to UNIX, where root access is generally required to capture packets. We've also enabled the Windows ASLR and DEP security features and signed the driver, DLLs, and executables to prevent tampering.
  • Loopback Packet Capture: Npcap is able to sniff loopback packets (transmissions between services on the same machine) by using the Windows Filtering Platform (WFP). After installation, Npcap will create an adapter named Npcap Loopback Adapter for you. If you are a Wireshark user, choose this adapter to capture, you will see all loopback traffic the same way as other non-loopback adapters. Try it by typing in commands like “ping” (IPv4) or “ping ::1” (IPv6).
  • Loopback Packet Injection: Npcap is also able to send loopback packets using the Winsock Kernel (WSK) technique. User-level software such as Nping can just send the packets out using Npcap Loopback Adapter just like any other adapter. Npcap then does the magic of removing the packet's Ethernet header and injecting the payload into the Windows TCP/IP stack.
  • Libpcap API: Npcap uses the excellent Libpcap library, enabling Windows applications to use a portable packet capturing API that is also supported on Linux and Mac OS X. While WinPcap was based on LibPcap 1.0.0 from 2009, Npcap includes the latest Libpcap release along with improvements that we also contribute back upstream to Libpcap.
  • WinPcap compatibility: For applications that don't yet make use of Npcap's advanced features, Npcap can be installed in “WinPcap Compatible Mode.” This will replace any existing WinPcap installation. If compatibility mode is not selected, Npcap can coexist alongside WinPcap; applications which only know about WinPcap will continue using that, while other applications can choose to use the newer and faster Npcap driver instead.

Unsure whether to use WinPcap or Npcap? Check out our feature comparison and decide for yourself.

Downloading and Installing Npcap Free Edition

The free version of Npcap may be used (but not externally redistributed) on up to 5 systems (free license details). It may also be used on unlimited systems where it is only used with Nmap and/or Wireshark. Simply run the executable installer. The full source code for each release is available, and developers can build their apps against the SDK. The improvements for each release are documented in the Npcap Changelog.

  • Npcap 1.10 installer for Windows 7/2008R2, 8/2012, 8.1/2012R2, 10/2016, 2019 (x86 and x64).
  • Npcap SDK 1.06 (ZIP).
  • Npcap 1.10 debug symbols (ZIP).
  • Npcap 1.10 source code (ZIP).

The latest development source is in our Github source repository.Windows XP and earlier are not supported; you can use WinPcap for these versions.

Npcap OEM for Commercial Use and Redistribution

We fund the Npcap project by selling Npcap OEM. This special version of Npcap includes enterprise features such as the silent installer and commercial support as well as special license rights allowing customers to redistribute Npcap with their products or to install it on more systems within their organization with easy enterprise deployment. The Npcap free license only allows five installs (with a few exceptions) and does not allow for any redistribution. We offer two commercial license types:

Npcap OEM Redistribution License: The redistribution license is for companies that wish to distribute Npcap OEM within their products (the free Npcap edition does not allow this). Licensees generally use the Npcap OEM silent installer, ensuring a seamless experience for end users. Licensees may choose between a perpetual unlimited license or an annual term license, along with options for commercial support and updates. [Redistribution license details]

Npcap OEM Internal-Use License: The corporate internal license is for organizations that wish to use Npcap OEM internally, without redistribution outside their organization. This allows them to bypass the 5-system usage cap of the Npcap free edition. It includes commercial support and update options, and provides the extra Npcap OEM features such as the silent installer for enterprise-wide deployment. [Internal-use license details]


The primary documentation for Npcap is the Npcap User's Guide. You can also refer to the README file on Github. The changes in each new release are documented in the Npcap Changelog.

Patches, Bug Reports, Questions, Suggestions, etc

Questions, comments and bug reports are always welcome. Please use the Nmapdevelopment mailing list (nmap-dev). To subscribe, please visit:

Code patches to fix bugs are even better than bug reports. Instructions forcreating patch files and sending them are available here.

Bug reports for Npcap can also be filed on the Nmap bug tracker.

Nmap Site Navigation

IntroReference GuideBookInstall Guide
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Bug ReportsOS DetectionPropagandaRelated Projects
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Checksums for all of the ZAP downloads are maintained on the 2.9.0 Release Page and in the relevant version files.

As with all software we strongly recommend that ZAP is only installed and used on operating systems and JREs that are fully patched and actively maintained.

ZAP 2.9.0

Windows (64) Installer94 MB
Windows (32) Installer94 MB
Linux Installer94 MB
Linux Package92 MB
MacOS Installer125 MB
Cross Platform Package108 MB
Core Cross Platform Package35 MB
  • Most of the files contain the default set of functionality, and you can add more functionality at any time via the ZAP Marketplace.
  • The core package contains the minimal set of functionality you need to get you started.
  • The Windows and Linux versions require Java 8 or higher to run.
  • The macOS version includes Java 8 - you can use the Linux or Cross Platform versions if you do not want to download this.
  • The installers are built using a multi-platform installer builder.
  • For more information about this release see the release notes.

Launch the installation wizard by double clicking on the downloaded executable file

Read the License agreement and click 'Accept' to continue the installation

Select 'Standard' or 'Custom' installation

Click 'Finish' to exit set up


StableThe standard releasedocker pull owasp/zap2docker-stable
BareMinimal release, ideal for CIdocker pull owasp/zap2docker-bare
WeeklyUpdated every weekdocker pull owasp/zap2docker-weekly
LiveThe very latest source codedocker pull owasp/zap2docker-live

Winpcap Download 4.1.2

  • See Docker for more information.

ZAP Weekly

Weekly Cross Platform Package148 MB
  • We generate weekly releases of ZAP from the develop branch, typically every Monday.
  • These are just intended for people who want to use all of the features we've added since the last ‘full’ release but don't want the hassle of building ZAP from the source code.
  • While we endeavor to ensure that weekly releases are robust, things may be broken or only partially implemented.
  • It is cross platform (Windows, Linux and macOS) but does not include any installers.
  • It requires Java 8 or higher to run.


  • On Linux systems you can use Snapcraft.
  • To install: snap install zaproxy --classic
  • To run: zaproxy

Homebrew Cask

  • On Mac OS X you can also install ZAP using Homebrew Cask
  • To install: brew cask install owasp-zap


  • On Linux systems you can also use Flathub.
  • To install: flatpak install flathub org.zaproxy.ZAP
  • To run: flatpak run org.zaproxy.ZAP

Winpcap 10 Download

Latest Versions


Winpcap Download Free

  • We maintain a page containing XML with links to the latest ZAP release files
  • You can use this to automatically pull down the latest ZAP release for the platform you need.
  • ZAP uses similar URLs when checking for updates.
  • These are version specific and define the add-on on the ZAP Marketplace for that release stream.
  • The 2.9 release stream uses
  • The development code uses
  • At the moment these files are the same, but it does allow us to maintain different versions of add-ons for different versions of ZAP, if we need to support this in the future.